Friday, June 1, 2012

Day 49: Garden Party Photos up on website and progress out of doors

Half of the party candids of the puppies are up.  Movement photos still to come.  The puppies are making great progress out of doors!  They can climb over the lip of the ex-pen threshold and River Birch Blue climbed back through the dog door that is cut into the garage access door to the side kennel.  

The practice has been this week to feed the pups and then immediately open the ex-pen and call them through the adjacent garage door into the side kennel to potty.  We count how many go out.  (And, we count how many poop before they come back in.)  They romp out there in the sun, dig in the sand, discover and terrorize toads, climb on Great Uncle Polo and drink from their own doggy water spigot that is shaded beneath a bay window.  Evidently, we can begin to train them to use the dog door.  I was cleaning out the ex-pen when someone got a death grip on the hem of my jeans.  Blue had managed to climb back inside - I'm sure the others can do so as well.

We are very pleased with the puppies progress on many fronts - they do look older than six weeks in their photos at the garden party, but that party was indeed on Day 43.  We call them "happy short stacks" for a reason - good balance and substance - nothing in particular sticks out when you look at them - just very nice little miniatures of their future selves.  Please visit the puppy page to see their latest photos.

They are eating whole kibble now (no more grinding) that is a mix of adult and puppy to which is added some other bit of dairy OR a bit of raw ground poultry or fish w veggies.  Two cups of warm water are poured over the whole and mixed.  

They know the feeding, nap  and play schedule and appear to be quite confident and trusting of their routine.  There is absolutely no whining when they are left - they are satisfied with the arrangements. When we come into the garage the little heads pop up and they are ready to engage. We each spend time with each one and that individual attention makes all the difference.

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