Thursday, May 3, 2012

Day 19: We started the photo albums for each of the ten puppies today.  Please return to the website, check the navigation bar and click on "Ten Puppies' Albums" to see close-up photography of each puppy:  

The 4 boys and 6 girls are not quite three weeks old.  They are all sturdy packages showing exploratory behavior, walking and playing.  

They have what looks to be excellent consistency in physical structure and spot patterns.  They are all walking quite sturdily and easily and respond well to calling sounds.  While some are more open spotted and some more densely spotted, all appear to have very evenly  distributed spot patterns - no "windows" of large open space that give the impression of missing spots in one area or another - none of that.  No clustering of spots either but some more densely spotted cd  cluster later - we have to wait and watch.  

Their leather nose trim is complete in all but one and eyeliner trim is in .  We do not see any blue eyes (as opposed to bluish cast of the dark brown eyes just opening).   As reported on their first day there are no patches.   

Further, it appears we must  have imagined the livers because at this point everyone looks to be black-spotted!!  

All of the pups are getting cuddle time.  In two days we will tear down the short wall out into the ex-pen from the whelping box to expand their indoor territory.   


  1. Love all the pictures! Always looking foward to your posts of these cute babes.

    1. Thank you - I need to take a few more pics of some of the pups - I thought I had equal pics but no I don't - tomorrow is another day and they will be 3 weeks old!!!

  2. Great job Hilary, it looks like the babies are doing great and wanting to get up an run.

  3. I saw their nails in the close up photography and thought my goodness they are long! I did their nails this eve - very good pups and worthy of a comment here. Put a pup in my lap and did front paws before they really were on to what i was doing. Then let them dive into crook of my left arm while i held them there close to the side of my body and did their back paws like you would shoe a horse - from the back or underside. Worked very well and quick and not too stressful with dremmel. Then snugged them to me and kissed their little heads. They all sighed and nestled into my neck and rolled on their backs for belly rubs before I put each one down - oh good puppies all!

  4. I can't stop looking at the pictures over and over!! I'm addicted! -Tara
