Sunday, October 14, 2012

Noble Monte X Kamea Puppies are six months old today!

We welcome Bill and Cyndi Shepard into our Noble family; they are the new owners of Noble Rugby Of Rockledge "Rugby." All the pups are six months old today!  As pictures of them come in from their owners I will post them here and add a new page to the website for them - family pics, show pics, class obedience/rally pics are all welcome.  Kamea is so pleased with all her brood!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Puppies five months old on September 15th!

NEWS FLASH!!!!  Gorgeous "Mr. yellow" bilateral hearing, black and white male companion puppy is available for placement at five months of age.  His new owners discovered they were unable to provide essential care and training and he is returning to Noble week of September 24, 2012! Playful, sociable and ready to go.  Let us know your interest.  More pictures to come upon his arrival!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Day 63: Puppies are Nine Weeks Old!

We couldn't be happier with our puppies' progress at nine weeks!  They are all going to be true ambassadors for our breed - sociable, confident, trusting in their new owners, adventurous and playful and robust physically. More nine week photos are in puppy album on FB.  Please click link in RH margin to go to it! 

Mr. Blue in Arizona is now "Noble Albert of Phoenix by Rockledge" (Bert): 

Miss White in Utah is now "Rockledge's Noble Briar Rose" (Raisa)

Miss Orange in Maryland is "Noble's Stagecoach Traveler with Attitude" (Moxie):

Mr. Ivy League (Light Green) stays with us in OH as "Noble Archer of Rockledge" (Archer) 

Miss Red now in TN is "Noble Madeline Rorschach" (Maddie)

Mr. Dk. Green in MI is "Noble Charles" (Charlie)

Then Yellow, Pink and Purple will be leaving us next week:

The four at home keep me busy giving each one the attention they need to keep up their trusting, confident ways.  We are glad the three are going out to their new homes within a short time frame so that they do not miss one another too much before they jump into their new surroundings.  What happy, adorable, short stacks and quite attractive too. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Day 54: All the 7week photos are here now! My Utah co-breeder friend Sonja Jones (Rockledge) and CA breeder friend Karen Whyte (Smilin' Dals) are here! We three are evaluating today and then we will compare with Pat hastings' evaluation tomorrow.  I haven't time now to put captions on these but there is a way to do pattern recognition :) Keep this page open; open a second "new" web page and go to the Noble website.  Click on the puppy page and get to the six week stack photos.  Keep both open on your monitor and then scroll down through the six week SS and OS. face and rear pics to find the pattern match w pup you want to identify in the photos below.